Georgios Konstantopoulos
Research Partner & CTO

Georgios Konstantopoulos

Georgios Konstantopoulos is the Chief Technology Officer and a Research Partner focused on Paradigm’s portfolio companies and research into open-source protocols. Previously, Georgios was an independent consultant and researcher focused on cryptography, information security and mechanism design. He earned his M.Eng. in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Written by Georgios

Reth’s path to 1 gigagas per second, and beyond

Reth’s performance roadmap and how we intend to scale Ethereum. []

by Georgios Konstantopoulos on Apr 24, 2024

Reth AlphaNet

Reth AlphaNet is a testnet OP Stack-compatible rollup aimed at maximizing Reth performance and enabling experimentation of bleeding edge Ethereum Research. []

by Georgios Konstantopoulos on Apr 16, 2024

Announcing Reth Beta!

After 21 alpha releases Reth is entering beta.1 and preparing for our 1.0 “production ready” release in the next few months. In this post, we discuss the core features, performance, and stability of Reth Beta. []

by Georgios Konstantopoulos on Mar 11, 2024

How to Raise the Gas Limit, Part 1: State Growth

The goal of this blogpost series is to develop a scientific approach for understanding and enacting Ethereum's scaling roadmap. []

by Storm Slivkoff, Georgios Konstantopoulos on Mar 04, 2024

Frog, Framework for Farcaster Frames

Frog is a free, open-source framework for Farcaster Frames that enables developers to build high quality, performant, and lightweight frame endpoints in just a few blocks of code. []

by Achal Srinivasan, Georgios Konstantopoulos, awkweb, jxom on Feb 28, 2024

What comes after Ethereum's Cancun hard fork?

Where we outline the Paradigm Reth team's current view on possible next steps for Ethereum's upgrade after Cancun, Prague. []

by Georgios Konstantopoulos on Jan 17, 2024

Introducing Rivet

Rivet is a developer wallet & tools, akin to React DevTools. It enables developers to inspect, debug, modify, and manipulate the state of Ethereum. []

by Georgios Konstantopoulos, Achal Srinivasan, Tom Meagher, Jake Moxey on Aug 26, 2023

Collaborate with Paradigm

Paradigm is a group of builders that supports other builders. Some of our most fruitful collaborations involve deep work with entrepreneurial teams to solve important business and research problems. []

by Matt Huang, Georgios Konstantopoulos, Dan Robinson on Jul 25, 2023

Introducing Alloy: Fast, battle-tested and well-documented building blocks for Ethereum, in Rust

Alloy is a Rust interface to Ethereum. It is a rewrite of the popular ethers-rs crate, using our learnings from the last 4 years of Rust Ethereum engineering, to create stable and useful foundations for the next 5 years. []

by Georgios Konstantopoulos, James Prestwich, DaniPopes on Jun 23, 2023

Releasing Reth!

Reth is a new Ethereum execution node written in Rust that is modular, contributor-friendly and blazing-fast. Reth is now entering public alpha and we’re excited to invite node operators and developers to try it out. []

by Georgios Konstantopoulos on Jun 20, 2023